Below is a brief visual overview of some of the most common types of websites we use everyday. Some of the most popular websites today are hybrid sites which serve a variety functions, showing a website can always be more than just one thing.

e-Commerce site

e-Commerce websites are websites with the primary function of running as a store, marketplace, crowdfunding hub or P.O.S. (point/place of sale)

Portal site

A Portal site's main function is to act as a bridge, hub or gate to other places of interest. Good examples of these are news aggregators and resource websites.

Portfolio site

Portfolio's function as a visual way to display a person or company's works. These type of sites are popular for designers, photographers, filmmakers, & foundations.

Membership site

Membership sites main function is to server the needs of the user. Popular Member based sites are Forums, Educational Learning sites, Subscription-based services and Social Media sites.

Event Hub site

Event sites function as a way to find events happening in a given area, while possibly serving as a 3rd-party ticket master.

Streaming site

Streaming sites function as a hub or collection of media for users to access. These can be specifically for video or audio, or a combination of both.

Web-tool site

Web-tool sites function as a tool for users. A great example of this is Canva which functions as a browser-based visual design suite, or the online encyclopedia Wikipedia.

Blog site

A Blog or Vlog site's main function is to log. There are many styles and examples of blogging, such as travel blogs that document one's journeys or company blogs that promote company culture and policy.

News site

A News site functions as a hub for specific or general news. The difference between a news & gossip site relies mainly on the content, for the site designs are similar if not the same for both news and gossip sites.

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